Julie Bridgman RMT

Massage Therapy and Acupuncture in Midtown, Toronto

Registered Massage Therapy and Acupuncture for Back Pain @ Yonge and St. Clair

Julie Bridgman RMT,  provides registered massage therapy and acupuncture support for your back pains at Yonge and St. Clair

Are you experiencing low back, upper back or neck pains?  Have you had any recent surgeries and are experiencing pains from the local scar?    With 21 years of RMT massage experience, Julie Bridgman RMT, can help with back pains and surgical scar pains.  Whether you're experiencing your normal chronic low back aches or upper back muscle spasms, massage therapy and acupuncture in midtown can provide relief.  My treatments can include a variety of massage techniques combined with other therapies such as Dolphin MPS Therapy and massage and acupuncture combo treatments. 

Not only can back pain be caused from muscle injuries and daily work, but it can also be caused from surgical scars you have locally or at other sites such as ankle, knee, hip or c-section scars. 

Get your back pain relief from first addressing your surgical scars with Dolphin MPS Therapy which provides therapy for:

  1.  Dolphin MPS for Pain Relief
  2.  Dolphin MPS for Scar Release 
  3.  Dolphin indirect Vagus Nerve  for Surgical Scar Pain & Stress Relief

Let's Focus On Your Back and Neck: Are You Suffering From: 

Benefits of Massage therapy and acupuncture  targeting back pain in midtown provides you pain relief so you can...

  • Have decreased mental and physical stress 
  • Be more productive at work
  • Play with your children
  • Enjoy your sports and activities with your friends and family
  • Have decreased muscle tightness and pain
  • Improve sleep without pain
  • Boost your energy and enthusiasm for life again 

Book now through the online booking to see how massage therapy  can help manage your chronic low back pains, upper back spasms  and neck stress at Yonge and St. Clair.

NOTE: Acupuncture/massage combo treatments provided under RMT massage scope and license for insurance  purposes *
Massage therapy in Toronto, Yonge and St. Clair neighborhood!



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